Welcome to my page!
I´ve tried to make an overview of the productions
that I´ve been fortunate enough to be a part of
by many years in the studio.
While studying music and thinking I would become a world-famous guitarist, the possibillities of creating music behind a recording-console became an ever expanding fascination to me.
My interest in sound really started during my years at Norges Musikkhøgskole in Oslo-
sneaking in to the two beautiful
SSL-equipped studios there.
At the same time I started lirum larum lyd at home with my wife - Annelise, bying an old 8-track Fostex tape-recorder,an Atari computer, a Soundcraft console and started writing music with her.
Track Of The Day:
E´s Collection:
After moving back to my hometown Bergen I joined Dokken Lyd A/S - founded by good friends
Svein-Erik Kvamsdal and Eirik Grønner.
Dokken Lyd was an analogue tape-based studio- comprising a 24-track MCI JH24 and a huge
Trident TSM40.The Trident was later replaced by a Soundtracks JADE -console and the MCI was expanded by a rack of Tascam DA-machines. Sadly, the studio had to close after only a couple of years.
I then joined Kjetil Fluge and Atle Halstensen in Sounds Familiar,
working mainly with music for television and theatre.
I learned about digital recording (starting with Pro Tools III (!) and Opcode Studio Vision).
An impressive collection of Emulator-samplers and old synthersizers was eventually replaced by Gigasamplers and Native Instruments Kontakt and a bunch of other software.
Though I still use the Gigasampler along with my old friends Juno-106 and Access Virus a lot,
my main tools has always been my guitars.
After meeting Geir Luedy during the production of Karin Park´s Superworldunknown, I was invited to join him and Hans-Petter Aaserud in the newly formed Your Favourite Music / Lydriket Studio -
where I´ve been working since .
My main business has been arranging / playing and producing, but lately also I´m getting an increasing amount of mixing-duties.
Besides the studio I´ve been doing a fair amount of live-engineering and freelance playing.
But my great passion is playing loud with my good friends in Søving Punk and Fighting Foo